Track how you travel and understand your impact on the climate!
What awaits you:
- details of your trips and CO2 emissions
- challenges to earn points and improve
- leaderboards with friends or colleagues
- attractive prizes
- information on climate change
Your transportation types produce CO2. This has impact on the temperature change in the long rung. Try to limit your CO2 emission to keep the earth safe & happy.
The artic ice is melting, the water levels and temperature are rising. This is mostly caused by the rising levels of CO2 emission.
Wether you are traveling by plane, car or by foot, Swiss Climate challenge automatically tracks your CO2 emissions across all sorts of transportation. In order to do this, we depend on the location data while the app is running in the background.
Du willst es genauer wissen? Auf unserem Blog findest du interessante Artikel rund um die Themen Klima, Mobilität und Nachhaltigkeit.
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Bist du Bereit? Are you ready? Tu es prêt? Siete pronti?
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An FAQ is a list of frequently asked questions and answers on a particular topic.
The Swiss Climate Challenge provides a simple tool that allows you to track, compare and improve your mobility and its associated climate footprint. This is against the backdrop of the global challenge of roughly halving CO2 emissions by 2030 and becoming largely climate neutral by 2050.
Mobility is responsible for roughly 50% of the personal CO2 emissions of people living in Switzerland (source: BAFU greenhouse gas inventory and BfS microcensus study). This includes air travel and travel abroad, which in turn account for around half of the emissions from mobility. This is where the Swiss Climate Challenge initiative comes in. It aims to create incentives and thereby motivate companies and private individuals to reduce the CO2 emissions caused by their mobility behaviour.
The Swiss Climate Challenge is an initiative of Swisscom and SwissEnergy. The Swiss Climate Challenge is programmed by Swisscom. The Swiss Climate Challenge is also supported by MOTIONTAG, based in Potsdam, Germany. The technology company is a pioneer in the field of mobility tracking. Blick act as media partners, but companies, cities, communities, schools and events can also become partners of the Swiss Climate Challenge.
The tool, which can be integrated into apps, tracks the user’s mobility behaviour after active opt-in using location and movement data automatically registered by a mobile phone. This makes it possible to determine how the person is moving.
With the help of the app, the user learns about the impact of their behaviour on the climate in a playful way, and can compare themselves with others, improve and receive rewards for completing defined challenges (see the next section in the FAQ). The Swiss Climate Challenge accompanies the app with communications and provides incentives for improving your personal climate footprint. The calculation of CO2 emissions and energy consumption is based on the factors recognised by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy at
The app is available to everyone and is not limited to Swisscom customers.
The Swiss Climate Challenge sets tasks (called “challenges” in the app) as an incentive for climate-friendly behaviour, in which “green points” can be won by achieving certain targets relating to CO2 emissions and mobility behaviour. There are challenges that are activated automatically after a successful opt-in, and other challenges for which you have to register separately in the corresponding area for challenges.
Green points show how many tasks a user has already successfully completed as part of the Swiss Climate Challenge. They serve solely as an incentive to compare oneself with other users and have no personal material value for the user. Green points can be accumulated across all participants in public challenges and be used to make a charitable contribution to a non-profit project, for example an environmental protection project. This contribution is financed by one or more of the initiators of the Swiss Climate Challenge or by additional sponsors. In case of prizes available for specific challenges, the green points totals can be used to determine the winners among users. In this case the winners will be contacted per email and the prize will be sent by post.